Monday, May 19, 2008

Good ol' Obadiah!

10 chief heresies: (according to Obadiah Sedgwick)
1) The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament do not bind us Christians.
2) That God never loved one man more than another before the world, and that all the decrees are conditional.
3) That there is no original sin.
4) That the will of man is still free.
5) That the saints may fall totally and finally from grace.
6) That Christ died alike for all, yea, that the salvific virtue of His death extends to all the reprobates as well as the elect, yea, to the very devils as well as unto men.
7) That Jesus Christ came into the world not for satisfaction, but for publication; not to procure for us and to us the love of God, but only to be a glorious Publisher of the Gospel.
8) That God is not displeased at all if His children sin.
9) That the doctrine of repentance is a soul destroying doctrine.
10) That the souls of men are not immortal but mortal.


3 & 4 are closely linked. 4 comes from 3 and cannot be believed without it. 6 & 7 are also very closely linked. 7 is the foundational truth of Arminianism, or as it is called in the 21st century: Evangelicalism. 7 cannot be believed apart from belief in 6. 7 is the belief that Christ's death saved no one, it only made salvation possible. Apart from Man's approval of Christ's death, Man is not saved. Probably the most obvious and widespread heresy.

#1 is the foundation of the house of heresy. Without this heresy none of the others could long endure. It is also probably Tony Campolo's favorite in that he believes that only the "red letters" are binding. #1 is also the reason some "churches" ordain women and promote sodomy. (by calling it "gay") Since the Bible isn't binding, it doesn't matter to these apostates that the Bible forbids sodomy and the ordination of women.

Erich Segal must have believed in #9 when he wrote "Love means never having to say you're sorry."

Folks believe #5 because they don't believe in grace in the first place. They believe that a man is saved of his own free will. God has little, if anything, to do with it. So of course it makes sense that they believe this man can lose his salvation. A salvation based on a fallible man is never secure. The only salvation that is secure is the one based on a sovereign-electing-predestinating God.

There is a synergism between #2 and #8: since God doesn't love his children more than he loves the seed of the serpent, then of course it doesn't bother him if they sin!